Friday, June 1, 2012

What a difference 10 years makes.

A little over 10 years ago, I was in school, majoring in business and hating life. I got C's, D's, and F's, sometimes pulling off an A or B when I found a class slightly less mind-numbing than the others. My cumulative g.p.a. was something like 2.48, and up until a few months ago, that was just fine with me.

After my husband's heart attack and some soul searching, this latent desire I had to have a career in health care grew into a full blown drive to be a doctor, and suddenly I had to care what kind of grades I got. When you have grades like mine, that really sucks.

So now I'm in Gen Chem I, pulling off a B+ and struggling to bring it up to the A I really need. Never in a million years would I have imagined I would be dissatisfied with a B+.

I have 2 more exams, a final, and a lab final left. If I can get A's on all of them I can pull off an A in the class. No pressure. And if I do it, I am so celebrating with cocktails. Which is one thing that hasn't changed over the last 10 years.


  1. Amen, sister. I would never have had the drive to get through this mess in my 20's. Nice work on the blog. Consider me a subscriber. OldPremeds=CaptainObvious

  2. Thanks for the kudos. Yeah, I'm glad I'm doing this now, with some life behind me. I can't imagine doing this in my 20s, when I thought I knew everything but really knew nothing at all.
